the part of his face that looked like its being pulled off creeped me out a bit.
but that doesnt stop me from liking it!
the part of his face that looked like its being pulled off creeped me out a bit.
but that doesnt stop me from liking it!
haha yeah. i was a it was an odd commission but it was fun to do. :D
looks amazing!
so cool. cute too! love her outfit as well! =D
Thanks, I spent a lot of time figuring out her outfit
for a second there, i thought that was Edward from Full Metal Alchemist cuz of the jacket. lol
awesome work! ^^
oh that's so cute!
at first i thought it was Leona from KOF, lol
amazing! XD
LOL thanks! XD
I do a little bit of everything entertaining.
Full Sail
Somewhere on this planet.
Joined on 3/2/12